Fall foliage with a blue overlay Fall foliage with a blue overlay
Our Master Guides

Rachel Dean

Home River: Nantahala River, NC
Rachel Dean - Master Guide
  • Hometown
    Almond, NC
  • Experience
    16 Years
  • Achievements

    Wilderness-Emergency Medical Technician with SOLO Southeast (WEMT), ACA Level 4, Whitewater Kayak Instructor, Rescue 3 WRPT Certification, BS in Environmental Analysis and Planning

Rachel has some gratifying stories to tell when looking back at how she got started in the world of whitewater, eventually making her way to NOC. After a voyage to Madagascar and a raft trip on the Lower Youghiogheny, Rachel asked a trip leader how to get into paddling; his response was pretty authentic – “Buy a boat and move here”. She began working on the river in Pennsylvania the next Spring!

Rachel came to NOC the way many whitewater paddlers do – she couldn’t stop paddling these Southeastern Rivers. She decided to make the move to Western North Carolina in 2014 and met NOC Guides through various races and events. When she isn’t helping NOC guests find the perfect SOLO or Paddling School course to take, she is mountain biking, skiing, baking, or playing the piano.

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