Join NOC Gatlinburg on May 10 for the premier of Gearfest. Celebrate the outdoor gear we love with experts in the outdoor industry. Learn about and demo the hottest new gear for the season from top brands including:
- Keen
- Smith Optics
- Big Agnes
- McNett
- The North Face
- Fits Sock
Like your old gear? Bring it in for repairs provided by Big Agnes. Or let experts shakedown your backpacking kit.
Chat with the Great Smoky Mountains Association, the organization that helps maintain the Appalachian Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s trail system and other trails of East Tennessee. Or talk with authors of the Scavenger Hike Adventures series and find treasures you never knew existed along National Park Trails.
Pick up door prizes including NOC Whitewater Rafting and Zip-Lining trips, as well as other outdoor giveaways. The fun starts at 10am and lasts until 5pm – don’t miss out!
-NOC Staff Report
May 5, 2014 | Wesser, NC